Recent Figure Work
Single session. Was to be a Charlie's Angels motif but one model canceled so back to a pair.
Charcoal pencils on cream colored paper. |
Recent Figure Work
Week two of a three session run. Establishing the skin tones (I initially typed, shin tones, oddly enough it does apply) and white cloth, will hit the highlights again next week...
Recent Figure Work
Week one of a three session run. Tried to avoid the detail but still have enough to work with...
Raw Umber washes and line work on shellacked museum board. |
Recent Figure Work
Got a satisfying result drawing with the three grey tones so what do I do? Start a two week session by drawing with a brush using burnt umber and burnt sienna. 1/26/2020
Recent Figure Work
Got a satisfying result drawing with the three grey tones so what do I do? Start a two week session by drawing with a brush using burnt umber and burnt sienna.
Recent Figure Work
More experimenting wth a way to sneak up on a drawing wile working larger than my usual quick sketches. Three tones of grey pastel pencil on canvas board.
Original quick sketch |
Light grey pastel pencil |
Medium grey pastel pencil added |
Dark grey pastel pencil added |
Recent Figure Work
Trying out three grey pastel pencils, a red, and a white on a slick gessoed board. Final stage is too smooth for me just yet. Will try same pencils on museum board in a few weeks from a live model... and the beat goes on and the beat goes on...
Recent Figure Work
Another start on museum board with red and black charcoal. Two more sessions with two breaks in between.
Recent Figure Work
Session three of three. Could use one more session but at least I got the figure well along enough to do more to it, if I get to it. Scroll down to 11/1/19 for previous sessions. (Pretty cool effect here on the hair from a side light when pic was taken)
Recent Figure Work
The Sunday group does a double figure session once a month. The model coordinator based this pose on an old Victorian photo and even painted a backdrop to match the original pic.
Recent Figure Work
Session two, added some background color and established how bright the whites would be...ish.
Recent Figure Work
Results of applying shellack to the drawing on Museum board, ready for oils, and some details there of.
Recent Figure Work
First of three sessions. Red and Black charcoal pencils on Museum Board. Will spray this with fixative then a layer of shellack to seal before continuing with oils.
Recent Figure Work
Single session this week with two models. Had just 4 hours to work on this so chose charcoal on white paper. Lamented not having soft white pastel to clean up some of the highlights.
Recent Figure Work
Last session with this model. I liked the process of drawing on museum board then shellacking the drawing but need the third week to get further along.
Recent Figure Work
Top image from this week’s efforts. Pencil with red and black charcoal on paper. Will coat with shellac and go at the color next week.
Been having issues with my bifocal lenses. Stepping in to work the details through the lower half has been producing a 10-20 percent increase in that area. Below is the previous week where I tried to correct the head and arm away from the sessions then gave up and painted out the enlarged arm. Went at the redrawing with paint today until it just got too gooey painting into the whites out area.
Recent Figure Work
A single session pose this week.
The desired crop |
Recent Figure Work
Third session of three. Never enough time...
Recent Figure Work
Second session of three. Painted out the head and did a white wash over the charcoal drawing and decided to go with a tonal brush drawing to lock in the pose...
Recent Figure Work
New session of three weeks...
Red and grey charcoal on gessoed board. |
Recent Figure Work
Third and final session...
Recent Figure Work
Slowly I paint, inch by inch, step by step...
(session two of three)
Recent Figure Work
Shaking things up with a costumed model...
The configuration of these session is three weeks costumed three weeks nude, belly dancer this series. |
Recent Figure Work
Not sure I'm learning what to do right just yet but I think I am learning what not to do...
Detail |
Two 3 hour sessions oil on 14x18 gessoed panel
Recent Figure Work
Brought the larger format paper (18x14), haven't
worked big for a while...
All images here cropped from 18 x24 in paper. |
Recent Figure Work
A mixed bag of fountain pen, ball point, pencil, charcoal, times may vary...
Fountain pen with new to me gray ink, finally found a dot black gray, hooray! |
At left, two longer poses, same pen. To right, ballpoint pen. |
20 Min. pose black and white charcoal |
Recent Figure Work
Top most image below is the second week of a three week session. the three below are false starts from week two...
Finally began this with the red and black charcoal used I use in a previous post (see below) |
This time I focused more on shapes a color for initial drawing.
This is only brush work for initial drawing, just did not do it for me. |
Resorted to just charcoal drawing and gave up. |
The bottom most images above were done on the same panel and then rubbed out. The top most above image was done on this panel. |
Recent Figure Work
Dwelling on the pose well after the model has changed to a new one has proven to be an enjoyable session and I do like the results...
Working back in pose lengths, twenty minute. Black and white charcoal. |
Started as a 5 minute and stretched to 10. |
2 minutes stretched to 4-5. |
1 minute stretched to 3-5. |
Recent Figure Work
A variety of pose lengths. This go round I used mostly fountain pen with some pencil, sometimes, then the longer poses I employed the Red-Black charcoal pencil and then added white...
One minute poses that I dwelled on for a minute or so after the model changed |
2 minute poses that I dwelled on for a minute or so after the model changed |
Five minute poses that I dwelled on for a five minutes or so after the model changed |
A ten minute pose that I dwelled on for another 10 minute or so after the model changed |