Saturday, March 26, 2016

Ballet Smetch

How to fix a "Smetch"

"Smetch" is how I misspelled sketch in the subject line when I emailed myself the two images below. The misspell sums up the correlation between the two as well.  I never, NEVER, draw on the back of any figure work I have ever done, EVER.  Except this once.  It happened during the Nutmeg Ballet sessions I recently attended and have been posting here as well. I will forever refer to any future double uses as a "Smetch".

BUT, this afforded me an opportunity to do something I have wanted to try since forever.  Work a larger more finished rendition of a quick figure sketch.  

Below the "Smetch" (select image for larger view)

Below the re-rendition. (select image for larger view)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Grandpa, Caution and Me

By Rod Funston

Final art for recent book project in the studio.
Click on image for larger view.

Cool thing about this is Jack Davis is a childhood pal of Mr. Funston and did the cover art.

The interior art below is my contribution. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Nutmeg Ballet Sessions Extended

Thanks again to the Nutmeg Ballet and Five Points Gallery for extending the sessions.

Worked large again. I have reworked some of the previous large short poses and will post them soon.

Select image for larger view.

Some Drama

Current project, a little run in with nature....

Select image for large view

Memory Matters

"Signposts on the Way to What May be" Robert Henri "The development of the power of seeing and the power to retain in the...