Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pastel in stages

I drove past this area in Torrington often. I was drawn to the overgrown trees and the variety of color they added to the scene.  As with my landscapes I like to show mother nature gaining ground. 

I walked by several times but did not get the same inspiration as I did when I drove by so I took the reference image as I drove.

Click on images for larger view

The photo reference lacked the dynamic image held in my mind as I drove past so I set the reference aside and charged at the blank surface with some bold lines.

I kept developing the composition with black, white, and greys so I could push the drawing around

I added some local color to establish some perspective and get a feel for the pallet to be used

I knew I wanted the tree colors to be bold and opaque and thought it would be problematic to add the bits of detail need for the houses behind so I roughed them in 

Goodbye houses hello tree color as you can see the bits of houses work in between the branches and leaves 

I rounded out the color throughout, working on all areas but the trees

I lightened up the road, I find it is good to begin darker or lighter than you intend then work toward the intended color, to bring the focus back onto the big red tree

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